Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tweet Me

I love Twitter. There I said it. I have met some of the most amazing people on Twitter from all over the world. We communicate, in 140 characters or less, about everything from pop culture to politics to just silliness.

On Twitter, I am WotV, the Woman on the Verge (of greatness or insanity - depends on the day). My profile picture has the caption "Evil Genius" in neon green letters. I toss off sarcasm and wit when I can, and offer friendly words, assistance, and support to those who need it. I try to be genuine. I try to be entertaining. WYSIWYG describes me. I say whatever comes into my mind and let it go...

I have nearly 750 followers. I expect at least 700 of them are hoping to sell me something, despite my weekly disclaimer that if they are following with the expectation that I will "click their links" they will be disappointed as I am not that kind of girl. 

Today, for fun, I asked my followers to come up with some adjectives to describe WotV. They came up with some hilarious and wonderful answers: 

@msquick1 - Pulchritudinous, glorious
@Surfingsue - Spellbinding
@ceebee308 - Sweet, adorable, helpful, friendly, and Uber-Awesome
@Steveberman - Crazy, eclectic, eccentric
@KatScratches - illicit, congenially acerbic, irreverant, deranged, and indescribable
@JohnBetcher - Bitchin' (after a sarcasm fail with "cutesy")
@crabbyknickers - Rawr! 
@MLGoodell - self-centered, whiny, needy, demanding, amusing, and laughing!
@indiepride - passionate
@JustRachel - feisty
@amyshoultzphd - solipsistic
@shadowflame - sharp (clarified as both indicating smart AND stabby)
@SpencerSeidel - beautiful, terrifying, sweet, and wicked

I love the fact that they took the time to answer and to come up with such great responses! I'm also tickled by the descriptions. Twitter is like a great big playground. And I like to meet my friends there every day...

What do you think? Did they do a good job with their adjectives? What did they leave out?

Ha! Some late additions:
@sandbar17 - Amazing!
@DianneLittle - Very Witty
@terencewest - Saucy!
@hyphend - freakin' AWESOME (my brother is the best, isn't he?)
@Liquid_Hip - Sassy, salty, brassy, sweet. Depends on the day. Depends on the drink. :)


  1. Irreverent? I like the sound of that.

  2. I'll add bold and snarky, meaning it as a total compliment. ;-)
