Monday, March 31, 2014


HOLY DECAYING ZOMBIES DID YOU SEE THAT?! Okay. Stop reading now if you haven't seen it. Seriously. You'll just be disappointed in yourself, because this must be seen to be believed. I mean it. You won't enjoy it nearly enough if you keep reading. Are you still here? Then I will assume that you saw the finale and hereby acknowledge no responsibility for spoiling it for you.

There were two hugely shocking moments, some self discovery, and lastly a lot of questions for next season. The first thing that evoked a, "OMG! DID YOU SEE THAT?!" occurred during an inevitable altercation between Rick, Michonne, and Carl with Darryl's new gang. Think back, and you'll remember that Rick killed one of their men in the house when he was recuperating. Well, vengeance was the goal when Joe and his happy band of predators happened upon a still-slightly-weak Rick and his makeshift family.

While Joe appeared to be the stronger and better armed of the two, he wasn't expecting Rick to channel his inner vampire. That's right. Rick turned the tables AND BIT JOE IN THE NECK AND SEVERED HIS JUGULAR! Yep. He actually spit a piece of Joe out when he was done. After that little bizarre altercation, Rick went on to assist Michonne, Darryl, and Carl in killing the rest of the team. Rick took on the nasty guy who had been threatening Carl with vaguely nasty implied, possibly sexual, threats. Rick used a knife this time and stabbed the gang banger repeatedly - and by repeatedly I mean gruesome stabbing sounds in excess of everyone's tolerance - scaring Carl in the process.

He followed this bloodbath by declaring that Darryl is his brother. Touching, no? Especially with blood covering the entire lower half of his face. All of that leads to Michonne having a philosophical (sort of) discussion with Carl about how we all have a little monster in us.

The second big event was Rick and his group's arrival at Terminus. We had seen Glenn and Maggie's crew walk through the front door to a welcome wagon offering barbecue. Rick led them through the back door, surprising the Terminus crew in the process of making new Welcome signs to lure  lead people to Terminus. They received the same welcome and offer of a plate... but Rick astutely observed that one of their people had Glenn's pocketwatch (given to him by Hershel), so he pulled his gun. Further observation revealed the armor Maggie had been wearing and various other items that had belonged to the recently arrived group. Predictably, a shootout followed.

The shootout was one sided, because the Terminus peeps were really just steering the group into a trap. The chase went past a few clues about the technically incorrect slogan that "those who arrive survive". It looks very much like a cult dedicated to their own survival... by eating their visitors. Yes, cannibals. 

Rick and his gang end up in a train car with Glenn's group. They are likely future menu items at the Terminus Cafe.

So, next season begins with a bunch of OUR survivors trapped in a train car waiting to be eaten by a cult of cannibals. But where are Carol, Tyree, and Judith? Who took Beth and where is she? How will Rick and Darryl save the rest from the cannibal cult? Will anyone get - or has anyone already been - eaten by humans? Why does it seem kind of weird that everyone wants to eat someone - zombies AND humans? Am I starting to overthink this?

What did you think? Disgusting? Awesome? Amazing? Gross? Tell me what you think.

Monday, March 24, 2014

True Detective: The Most Amazing Show You Struggled to Follow

Hold that thought. Post coming tomorrow... I just wanted to hold this spot...

Sunday, March 23, 2014

New Blog Focus, New Name, New Content

Rather than start another blog, I remembered this was here and decided to change direction. I love pop culture and have all kinds of opinions and I thought I would throw them here and see if anything sticks.

If you liked reading about writing and all that jazz, go to my website. There's actually two blogs there: one for writing and one for book reviews.

If you liked reading about my crazy life, you're out of luck at the moment. Just living it takes enough time. Writing about it might push me over the verge...

So, let's talk. Movies, television, music, celebrity antics, books, magazines, and whatever comes to mind. Join me on the verge. Let's talk.