Saturday, August 21, 2010

TWINTS (Twitter Hints)

I have been tweeting for 447 days. I have over 19,000 tweets. Some are infinitely more interesting than others. I have over 600 followers (I have no idea how that happened), and follow over 500 people and businesses. I have accumulated some interesting thoughts and hints along the way that may or may not be of interest to others...

ReTweeting (RT) Etiquette
Some people use Twitter for self promotion. They send out a tweet with information that they would like their followers to share. Here's my hint: If you really want folks to RT, make your tweet short enough that it can be done easily. When we RT, it adds "RT @username" to the tweet, making it longer than the original. If I have to spend time figuring out the best way to shorten a tweet, most times I won't bother... I'm sure I'm not alone in this.

Don't RT everything you read. Serial retweeters are annoying. I have unfollowed several people who RT every single news item or charity plea that they see. It clogs up your followers' timelines and they don't read them or they unfollow. I will read one or two tweets about a need for help. After that, it's in the noise.

All Work and No Play is No Fun for Readers
If all you tweet is self promotion, your followers will most certainly become bored with you. Show some personality. Prove that you are not a bot. Show us why we should be interested in you. If it's all about the
sell and I know nothing about the person behind it, I won't care.

This also pertains to looking for followers. When I get a notice that someone is following me, I go check them out. If every tweet is about some link to a business opportunity or a sea of RTs, I don't bother following back.

That's it for this morning... Post any questions and I will answer!


  1. Well said! I know that my tweets are hard to RT. I struggle getting them to the 140 characters sometimes!

  2. Gorgeous comments! I like to add the RT @ tag, as well as including a few words of interaction where I can -- even if it's just a silly hashtag. I need to remember that when writing my own comments.

    Another good tip that we're all guilty of not following: Make your replies self-contained. Your followers don't want to read "Yeah, I agree!" Make it: "I totally agree that Lena Headey kicks ass in SCC and 300". Your followers appreciate it more, and the person you're replying to knows what you mean. (not always easy for someone who gets a lot of replies).

  3. Very valid point, Hatter, about the replies. I am guilty of that!

  4. Been on Twitter the same time, though this is a new account for my secret identity so I can tweet whatever I think, not deal with some of the b.s. But I'm transparent about that.

    I too don't follow many serial retweeters, or those who've just set up an autostream of crap. Hatter has a great tip on replies.

    My biggest tip: don't be shy. Twitter is your excuse to jump it, that's the point. If someone posts it, it's fair game.. chime in.
