Monday, November 16, 2009

Internet Access Denied

I guess I never considered just how awful it would be if my internet connection simply stopped... until it did. I am writing this from the Public Library, as my modem at home has decided to opt for early retirement.

I called Time Warner. I probably don't need to say much more. They were incredibly unhelpful. Someone can come over tomorrow to take a look. Lovely. As my mind raced with thoughts of deadlines and my inability to complete my work without getting online, my helpful TW representative told me that if I upgraded my account, I could be assured of same day service calls - if I called before 2pm. Um, I already pay $140 a month for digital cable on one TV and Road Runner. I am so not gonna give them any more of my money.

Instead, I will sit here in the library, wishing I could focus, wishing I had a snack, and wishing that TW rep's cable would go out.

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