Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Brown Sugar Icebox Cookies (for my favorite murse)

A Twitter friend was asking for an easy Christmas Cookie recipe. This one is even better than easy - you can make it ahead! Enjoy!

Brown Sugar Christmas Cookies
1 cup all purpose flour
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/8 tsp. salt
1/4 cup butter, softened
2/3 cup packed light brown sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1 large egg white
Sanding sugar or any decorating sugar

Mix flour, baking soda, and salt in a bowl and set aside.
Beat butter with mixer at medium speed until light and fluffy.
Add sugar to butter, beating at medium speed until blended.
Add vanilla and egg white and beat well.
Add flour mixture, stirring until well blended.
Dump the dough out onto waxed paper and shape into a 6 inch long log.
Pour sanding sugar onto waxed paper and roll log through it to coat all around the log.
Wrap the log in the waxed paper and place in zip top plastic bag and refrigerate or freeze until you are ready to use!

Preheat oven to 350.
Remove log from waxed paper and slice into 1/4 inch slices.
Place about an inch apart on baking sheet coated with cooking spray.
Bake at 350 for 8 to 10 minutes.
Remove from pan and cool on wire racks.
Makes about 2 dozen.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

An Ode to Creepy Internet Friends

Over the last few years, I have met some incredible people online. I don't know how to explain just how great these friends are. Before you get all excited and begin to lecture me about internet safety, I want you to know that I took things slowly and cautiously... and the only time I have been uncomfortable was not because of one of my CIFs, it was because of a client. (a story best left untold)

The strangest thing about having Internet friends is that I don't know them in person. I feel absolutely comfortable communicating with them online and even in text messages, but I have not physically met even one of them. Yet... when I am having a rough day, they encourage me. When I have a problem - they are right there trying to help me. And they NEVER judge me.

I hope that one day I may meet my online friends face-to-face. Some of them are planning a get together for next year. I won't be able to go... but know they will text me and message me and I will be there in spirit... and they will miss me too... because we are friends.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Potential Employer Questions: Was I Right to be Offended?

I recently applied for a blogging gig for a company that sells products both online and in physical stores. They sent out a mass email, asking all applicants to complete a survey so they could whittle down the list of candidates. The first several questions were basic, but then things got a little uncomfortable.

I was asked if I had shopped on their site. Well, no, I hadn't, but I had visited it. I was, of course then unable to answer the question asking about my experience with their store or website. I was then asked where the nearest physical store location was located. I had to use their completely unacceptable store finder to finally locate the nearest one.

This when it got even odder. I was asked about my blog and the url. No big deal. Then I was asked if I sell advertising on my blog and if I am willing to share this new business blog on my other blog. The next question asked if I tweet. Why, yes, I do... but why do you care how many followers I have? It then asks for numbers of blog subscribers (none - this is a newer blog), facebook friends, and even the number of contacts in my email address book!

When I finally bypassed those questions, I found my way to the creative writing section. It asked for a story about my childhood. Then I was to choose a product and say why it would make a good gift, and then 10 varied blog subjects for comment.

I stopped answering questions when I was asked about my social networking. It felt like a fishing expedition for the most prolific tweeters with the largest followings who could be used to promote the business. I emailed the company and told them this. I also told them that I would not be applying for a job with them. They danced around my issues and said that I wouldn't be expected to use my address book... but if I chose to...

I choose not to. The questions were too pushy and seemed ethically questionable. I'll find work elsewhere.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Beauty of Freelancing

I love writing. That is, of course, the biggest benefit of my job. But recently I have realized another great thing... the variety. I never get bored! I have written scripts for preschool learn-to-read web programs, eBooks about iPods and how to make malasadas, articles about education and orchids, short stories for adults and children... and so much more. My current jobs include a book about Neuro-linguistic Programming and a ghostwriting sci fi novel. How diverse can you get?

If you happen to be a potential client, search for me on Google (Dorothy Distefano) and you will find content that I have written for wisegeek.com. I also write a regular blog for audioforbooks.com. Feel free to contact me through this blog for further information.

Ah, the bus is here to carry my kids off to school... Time to get writing!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Internet Access Denied

I guess I never considered just how awful it would be if my internet connection simply stopped... until it did. I am writing this from the Public Library, as my modem at home has decided to opt for early retirement.

I called Time Warner. I probably don't need to say much more. They were incredibly unhelpful. Someone can come over tomorrow to take a look. Lovely. As my mind raced with thoughts of deadlines and my inability to complete my work without getting online, my helpful TW representative told me that if I upgraded my account, I could be assured of same day service calls - if I called before 2pm. Um, I already pay $140 a month for digital cable on one TV and Road Runner. I am so not gonna give them any more of my money.

Instead, I will sit here in the library, wishing I could focus, wishing I had a snack, and wishing that TW rep's cable would go out.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Who is WotV, Anyway?

Some of you know me from Twitter or other sites as WotV. This stands for Woman on the Verge. My husband once asked me what I was on the verge of... I laughed at the time, but as I think about it, it really was a good question.

I began my college education as an English/Education major. The outlook for teachers was very poor at the time, so I changed majors and became a Registered Nurse. What was I thinking? I worked primarily in psychiatric settings, which was really interesting, but taxing. I left nursing to raise my three fantastic kids. Yup, I traded my RN for my MOM.

As a stay at home mom, I volunteered regularly at my children's school. In fact, I created a family based book club that was hailed by PTO Today and Education World magazines. My love for reading and writing had never abated.

When all three were in school full time, I began substitute teaching. It was unpredictable and stressful at times, but I loved working with children. I ended up taking a full time position after 5 years of subbing, but the full time commitment was just a little too much.

I decided it was time to finally try writing for a living. I have always wanted to write, and my absolutely wonderful husband was, and continues to be, supportive of me. I am freelance writing nearly full time. But this full time is on my terms. I work through Elance.com as well as for other clients.

I have written fiction, nonfiction, eBooks, articles, blog entries, research, editing, copywriting, marketing writing, or pretty much anything else. I love my job.

Feel free to contact me with a comment! I will get right back to you.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Day, New Blog

Apparently I have confused Blogger with my email addresses, so this is my new home. I will work on moving things here later...