Friday, September 30, 2011

Manufacturers, Service Centers, and Plumbers, Oh My...

I'm angry. And that's putting it mildly. I have a dishwasher and before you get all in my face, I admit that I am totally and completely spoiled by having it. Except right now. Because it was bright and shiny and new and worked for 6 months. Now it just sprays water at the dishes and vomits out the soap down the shiny door where it becomes cement.

As an aside - our usual plumber did not install this as he had just had surgery so we had someone else do it.

I called the manufacturer, who helpfully provided me with a list of qualified warranty approved service centers. I called one. The tech came over. I think he was about 12. He barely looked at it and blamed installation and said to call a plumber and have him fix the drain hose because it has to loop and there was a bunch of hose under the machine and it drains into the floor and blah blah blah call a plumber.

The plumber, who I know and trust because, aside from the fact that he has done great work for us for as long as I can remember, was here with me on 9/11 and we watched the tragedy unfold together. Anyway, he looked at it, pulled it out, which Doogie Techboy didn't do, said the hose was looped and that it should work fine. It wasn't installation, it was the machine.

So I called the service center. I was routed to a manager who said the hose had to be "looped twice in the back not the side" and that he'd have the tech who came over here call me. Well, apparently, that guy wasn't a manager, he was a parts guy and had no clue what he was talking about at all, which came out later. Misrepresenting himself and diagnosing the issue just pissed me off more.

Doogie calls and gets all defensive and says that he's right even though the plumber with tons more experience says it's the machine. As we talk, he gets cocky and I get pissed. He was asking if I was going to believe a plumber over a service tech. I said, "Um. Yeah." So, anyway, our conversation did not go well because he was  a jerk. I was sweetness and light. Okay, I wasn't a witch, but I told him I was frustrated. I had 3 expert opinions and was out $60 for the plumber. I wish I had called him an asshole, but I hung up instead.

That's when the manufacturer called me. My husband had been working that angle. He had secured a partial reimbursement of the plumber's fee of $60. BUT, as I spoke to this very courteous representative, it became painfully obvious that while they were appalled by the treatment I received from the service center, it was still an installation problem and I was screwed. Even worse, they called back 5 minutes later to tell me that, because it is an installation issue, we won't get the reimbursement either.

So. I have dishpan hands, am out $60, still have a broken dishwasher, 3 "expert" opinions, and have to call the installer which is a whole other story that I don't want to go into, but this is going to be... not good.

I just want to tell Doogie Techboy what he can do with his damned looped hose. And it won't be pretty.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Maybe If I Type More Slowly.....

You know when you try to communicate with someone and you ask a question or ask them to do something and then they either a) don't answer the question but complicate things even more or b) screw things up worse?  I'm in the middle of one of those situations. I'm a COPYWRITER on a project and while I do place some images and other things, I do NOT, as a rule, do anything with web design.

So, today I am frustrated at being asked to do stuff that I can't do by someone who should know who to ask AND who isn't answering my questions so I can fix what this person screwed up by "dropping some text in" incorrectly.

I think it's Whine O'Clock. I wish it was Wine O'Clock.

Update: I love it when I get an email that says, "Good question, I'll find out!" but it doesn't contain the question in question. You see, there were about 25 questions. *sigh*

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Magic 8 Ball Monday

If my social networkers are interested, they can post questions for my Magic 8 Ball here and I'll post the Magic 8 Ball's answers. If nobody is interested, there will be no comments.

All questions must be formed for a "yes" or "no" answer.

Disclaimer: This is a toy.

Probably, I should have asked the Ball if this was a good idea....

Friday, September 23, 2011

How to Make Your Facebook Page More Recognizable

A few tips and tricks I've picked up to make the new FB changes more palatable for those of you who do not like the new interface:

View this video: Facebook Changes

Put this in your status: Please do me a favor and move your mouse over my name here, wait for the box to load and then move your mouse over the "Subscribe" link. Then uncheck the "Comments and Likes". I would really rather that my comments on friends and families posts not be made public, thank you! Then re-post this if you don't want your every single move posted on the right side in the "Ticker Box" for everyone to see! I'm posting this not only for myself, but also so that my friends and family will know to ask others to do the same if they would not like their every move on facebook noticed. Thanks.

Apply these settings: HOW TO GET YOUR FEED BACK TO NORMAL AGAIN. if you want your feed to go back to normal go to your account settings (that arrow next to HOME) and go to notifications (upper left). There is a box on the upper right that is checked that says "email frequency." Uncheck that box and your feed will show all the posts again. Then go to your home page and anything in the "Top Stories" click on the down arrow and "unmark as top story" - now your newsfeed will be setup by timestamp rather than randomly picking "top stories!"

It won't fix everything, but it WILL help you to stop freaking out. Feel free to find me and friend me on Facebook. Or "like" my Page

Good luck! And remember, G+ is open to the public now and it's pretty cool...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Oh, Facebook... What Were You Thinking?

Clearly, Mark Zuckerberg owns stock in Google. Why else would he make inconvenient, non-intuitive, annoying changes to Facebook on the day after Google Plus goes public?

G+ has been invitation only for 3 months. I've been on for a good portion of that time, and honestly, it's pretty great. It makes sharing to groups and individuals easy and has plenty of features. It's only drawback was that there were limited people to share with. Well, that obstacle was removed yesterday.

Today, I woke to a new FB. I keep getting lost in my own page, trying to figure out how the site has determined what it thinks might be important to me. I have to click to see new posts or "stories" as it says. There's some kind of streaming update thingie on the side that I have no clue what to do with. Nobody can figure out what the Hell these changes are supposed to achieve other than drive us over to G+.

Go check out G+ today. See what you think. Look me up there. Drag me into a circle and I'll return the favor. Let's just give it a try.

Now, if you play those games over on FB, I wouldn't worry. I expect  those will show up on G+ soon enough. Let the crops die. Seriously. It's a game, people.

Friday, September 16, 2011

A Forgotten Promise: Proposal Writing Secret

I had promised to post some unusual proposals that yielded great job results. I forgot all about it. So... Here's one for your viewing pleasure. It was for a job that was looking for more than the "standard boilerplate articles".  Please do not steal my words.

Your wish is my command. Wait - your wish about sparkly interesting writing - other wishes are subject to review. Anyway, I am sick of buyers asking for the same old content. I've been waiting for you. It's about time you showed up.

Debt Settlement and File Encryption Software aren't exactly edge-of-your-seat exciting, but I think I could manage to grab readers and give them a little shake and send them off to your site. Oh, and the shake will likely be with laughter... I'm not violent or anything. 

Nitty gritty details? I write well. I'm interesting. I want you to be 100% satisfied with my work. My spelling and grammar are top notch. And I'm very, very creative. *sits up very straight, waving hands in the air while softly chanting pickmepickmepickmepickmepickme*

I've chosen a couple of lovely pieces for you to read. They have absolutely nothing to do with your subjects, but hopefully they will make you smile. And while you're smiling, just maybe you will award the job to me.

Have a lovely day.

I won the job - no contest. $175 and it was easy as could be.

The bottom line is this: Read the job description and write a proposal that gives the client what they are looking for. Show your personality, as in the example above, if they seem to be looking for a certain spark. If they are looking for very professional, stick to something more like this:

In my past role as a Registered Nurse, I taught CPR and First Aid, medication administration, as well as various modules for staff and patients. Later, I became I certified Teaching Assistant to help younger students. In other words, I love to teach. I can easily take your medical questions and "translate" the answers into language and content that is easily accessible to your readers.

Attached is a Dental manual I wrote for a non-profit agency. The entire manual, including exercises, is all original work. I am also attaching some SEO articles and other samples for your review.

My bid is based on 2 weeks of 12 questions each. The number of words will be near one hundred, though may be slightly over depending upon the complexity of the subject. Thank you for considering my proposal.

Again, please do NOT steal my words. They're mine and I am kind of attached to them. The real secret to writing a proposal is to be an individual. Forget the tips and formulas. Just write your proposal based on the job description. No two will be alike, nor will they contain the same elements. Be an individual. THAT is the secret.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Friendship can be an interesting dilemma. Say, for example, you are with a group of friends and one steps up with a problem. The group, having known each other for years and being very good friends, were quick to offer advice. Now, out of love for this friend, some of the advice may have been overzealous or unfair to the other parties involved in the problem. It may have been harsh. Some may have been helpful and some may not. The bottom line was that the friend came to this group for advice, opinions, and to get something off of his chest. This was all said in a private room, so that no feelings would be hurt or words misinterpreted or overzealousness treated as the norm.

Now suppose the others involved in the problem somehow have recorded and listened to the advice. Not knowing these friends very well, they take everything very badly and get angry and hurt. You really can't blame them. The friends were pretty vituperative. These others had every right to be hurt.

But. Remember the friend with the problem? This listening in was part of the problem. It all goes full circle. Now it would seem everyone is hurt, the recording is destroyed, and everyone is worried about the friend with the problem because he isn't responding to calls.

There's the dilemma. Nobody wins. Everyone is upset and/or worried.

My solution? If you don't trust someone and feel the need to snoop or listen to conversations to which you were not invited, something is inherently wrong and should be addressed. Without trust, what do you have? This should never have gotten to this point and left not only those "others" feeling bad, but also the group of friends feeling violated. The privacy of the room was the safeguard and it was broken.

We all need a place to vent safely. Even if we talk shit about someone because we think they are hurting our friends.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How Much Can I Juggle?

Trying to find my way back to this blog. Does anyone have a GPS? I keep forgetting it's here....