Friday, July 30, 2010

Logo Woes

I've been thinking about logos. After adopting Word Mercenary as my title... By the way, what do you think of that? Should I keep it? Here are some of the other suggestions from my friends:

  • Writer on the Verge
  • Write On
  • Write of Way
  • Pages
  • Words & Stuff
  • Write Now!
  • Wordstorm
  • Scrivener 2.0
  • Worth Words
  • Literary Solutions
  • The Flaming Keyboard
  • A Lass in Writerland
Any of those strike you as unimaginably cool? Where was I? Oh, the logo. I thought it would be awesome to have a logo to use on my things. What things? Business cards, stationary, the blog, and whatever else I could attach it to. A friend quickly designed the one on my page here - and I like it. But my husband has taken marketing courses and said that the icon needs to be something more indicative of my qualities as a writer, rather than a sniper. So, I am back at square one and still looking for ideas.

Are any of you uber-creative? Can you make me a logo that represents creativity, efficiency, productivity, and all-around awesomeness? Should I keep my Word Mercenary title or go with something else? Help!


  1. Although I love the word "scrivener" I only think a story I read in college and think "I'd rather not." I don't think of them as imaginative, merely a copier of sorts...

    On the other hand, 'Literary Solutions' totally creates an image of a writer that will successfully write what I need! I love that one....

    the others are cutesy and clever names for blogs, but not necessarily a "brand" something appropriate for all of your needs.

    Since I'm writing this, you probably know that it's my opinion, but consider it food for thought.

  2. I like Word Mercenary. - rose.

  3. I just saw the logo, and it is pretty cool, though I might put the target-site in the small 'o' of my name, or make it smaller, so that the idea of being a 'crack' writer (as in marksman, not drugs), and able to get straight to the heart of what needs to be done is still suggested, but that the other more derogatory aspects of 'mercenary' are maybe not highlighted so much. It is a really cool logo, and I wouldn't have been able to come up with it, so, just a suggestion!
