Monday, July 19, 2010

When it Rains...

Update from the Verge: My ear is still clogged and my balance is completely nonexistent. It's funny, yet frustrating as hell. I went to the doctor today to have him look at a lump on my shoulder. A med student, resident, a janitor, a secretary, and some guy off the street who may have once considered medical school all agreed that it is, indeed, a lump. They also decided that they have to "excise" it.

I would prefer that they "exorcise" it, because it sounds way cooler, but I suppose I'll let them just cut it out. Then they'll send whatever prize they find inside to a lab so that they can figure out what it actually is... besides, y'know, a lump. My guess is that it will be like finally finding the prize in the cereal box and finding that it is utterly  disappointing.

In addition to my malarkey, my husband broke one of his metacarpals this weekend. For those of you uninitiated in med-speak, he broke one of the bones in his hand. Today he is going to have it checked out and casted. Hopefully he won't need a surgical repair. If he does, I wonder if they can make his hand bionic. That would be awesome. As it is, the kids want him to get a red cast so he can be Hellboy.

Between the chaos of injuries and illnesses, I still have all of the hustle and bustle of everyday life - driving one son to a summer class, trying to encourage my youngest to read, and trying to prep the oldest for college. Somewhere in those precious moments that are seemingly unoccupied, I must wrangle some words.

As a Word Mercenary, this week I am ghostwriting a children's book, editing dental website content, reviewing websites, writing audiobook news, and something else that I cannot call to mind at the moment. Huh. I'd better figure that out!


  1. You sure are busy, doll. Did you delete your MBL? rose.

  2. Hey, rose. Yeah, I've had issues since yahoo took over MBL and it kept locking up. I ditched it with the intention of setting it up again... but haven't gotten to it yet. I will do it soon (I think).
