Saturday, July 31, 2010

Creepy Internet Friends

Today, one of my Twitter friends was lamenting her lack of topic for her blog. I told her that when in doubt, I write about my Creepy Internet Friends. When I looked back, I realized that I hadn't mentioned them in several months - so I thought it might be a good time to revisit.

While "Creepy Internet Friends" might seem an odd title, it is actually an affectionate name for my closest friends. I know what you're thinking: Since when does creepy = affection? Since these are people that are dear to me and yet I have never meet them in person. We met online and continue our relationship online and through text messages. This may seem bizarre to you, but working alone in my office all day gets boring. I keep Twitter and Facebook open so that I can have an occasional conversation, debate, or discussion about current events and issues - very much like having a chat with a co-worker in a traditional workplace. Because the Internet is sometimes viewed as a playground for stalkers, the word "creepy" seems to be appropriately ironic.

Who are these CIFs? Well, there's Wade, anglophile, oi, amy_d, Hyphen D, unholyghost2003, Clearly Demented, Saysh, Mishee, CB, RunBarbara, Frankie, tink, mamason, mamarilla, Timo, TOS, rose, fan, mark, Beanster, snee, claw, vfbr2001, Spence, T, JustRach, and msquick1... to name a few. If I've left you off, it's not that I don't love you... it's just that I thought you might not like your real name posted... or that I've just been overwhelmed with emotion thinking of how many wonderful friends I've made over the last couple of years. Either way, feel free to yell at me. Don't forget to use CAPS LOCK.

 So, to all of my CIFs from the Troublemaker HQ to Twitter to Facebook... Thank you for being in my life.

Edit: OTWB, sdog7, KatScratches, murgy, amet_sorgin, sandbar, rocksnbugs, JetGibbs, zabbs, ... and all of my OLTL and NCIS friends! Forgive me! You are most definitely creepy.

Edit #2: indiepride,  Luke, ceebee, albinosmurfie & his smurfette, Bunnee and so many more friends! I am so blessed!!!


  1. you are completely awesome...i heart you :) very happy to be on your list of CIFs

  2. CB sez...someone hand me a hankie! :-)

  3. Thanks, WotV - a lovely post. I know TMHQ has seemed to have the wind out of its sails for a while. Maybe not enough, or too much, flatulence going around? Or everyone is just a little bit slack-arse like me (actually, I hate seeing my name too many times on a page - believe it or not - I might hate it, but it doesn't always stop me from doing it!) - and I know that Facebook is too hard to compete with. Especially when you're in front of the computer a lot, contact with the CIFs is a Godsend. - rose

  4. Clearly I must brush up on my creepiness skills. *cries*

  5. I'm a little hurt, I've been called the "Mistress of Darkness," (affectionately of course) by some of my Net buddies. I didn't even make the creepy list? Tsk, what company you must have! LOL

  6. Darn, OTWB! I was trying to list as many as I could think of - you and sdog7 should be on the list!

    Katscratches - Aw... That was clearly a terrible oversight on my part!

  7. awww im am touched and happy to be on the creepy list xxx =o)

  8. That was a sweet article, even if you did leave me out...(Bunnee) ;)

  9. Damn it! Okay, yet another edit for Bunnee....

  10. I am really Creepy! ;)
    It is the CIF's that helped me through some hard times. So I know what you are saying.


  11. If somebody had told me that I would make friends online, I would have laughed so hard! Probably would have bet $1000 too for being wrong! Here I am with so many wonderful friends that I found online! Still have to pinch myself to believe it! Thanks for being such wonderful friends!

  12. I don't know what I'd do without you!
